Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Demography of Discontent!

(Image courtesy flickr user Chicagogeek)

This person demonstrates a sad commentary on (lawful) free speech. God does not hate (period). Neither is America doomed. It will take more than one administration to accomplish that........we pray.

An interesting quote from today:

"It's more than white republican conservative Christians who are losing confidence in Obama. A survey taken back in April reveals the roots of this season's protests — the results are surprising.....Unsurprisingly, whites – especially those lesser educated – register the highest levels of discontent with Obama. But it's also important to recognize that 55 percent of Asians, a third of Hispanics, and half of all other immigrants were not at all confident. The faces of these latter constituencies show up less in the media coverage of angry protestors, but their presence should not be overlooked .....As judged by their pictures, they are predominately older, white, male, born-again Christians. Their signs point to a mix of frustrations.....Driven by fear and fury, and certainly not by any one singularly framed argument, they latch on to one or another scapegoat, prodded by the incessant and inflammatory voices of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others on both television and radio."

Current approval ratings for the President from Gallop stand at:
51% Approve 39& Disapprove
from a high of 68% to 12% back in Feb.

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