Thursday, January 21, 2010

Boehner on Dem Agenda: "American People Are Saying 'Enough is Enough'"!

Boehner joined Greta Van Sustren to discuss the state of the Democrats' health care takeover in the wake of Sen-elect Scott Brown's victory in MA, and said: "Ive been telling people for nine months that theres a political rebellion going on in America. We saw it manifest itself in August with people showing up to these town hall meetings, and we saw it manifest itself again in New Jersey and in Virginia when two Republicans were elected governor. It manifested itself again last night in Massachusetts of all places. The American people are saying enough is enough. And while it was a lot about health care, its not just health care. Its all the spending and debt thats being accumulated here. Its their national energy tax. Its their -- bringing the terrorists to America to put them on trial. The American people are opposed to all of these policies, and they are saying, stop. Our concerns are about the economy and asking the question, where are the jobs?

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