Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Congress/ Obama receive death threats- add security!

Washington, D.C., United States (AHN) - Several congressional lawmakers have been threatened since voting for the health care reform bill on Sunday. Law enforcement has been called in to investigate some threats against lawmakers, including death threats. Democrats in the United States House of Representatives have been the target of anger from some after they voted to pass the controversial health insurance reform bill. More than 10 lawmakers have received threats since the vote on Sunday, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Wednesday.

Obama Assassination Threats on Twitter:
Health Care Bill Spurs Assassination Calls on Twitter!
The Secret Service is investigating two Twitter users who, apparently angered by the passage of the health care reform bill, took to the Internet Sunday to call for the assassination of President Obama. "ASSASSINATION! America, we survived the Assassinations and Lincoln & Kennedy. We'll surely get over a bullet to Barrack Obama's head," wrote one Twitter user, who goes by the handle Solly Forell, and identifies himself as a conservative blogger and "'authentic' African American."

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