Saturday, March 27, 2010

The official end of 24!

24 fans in case you've not heard yet, it's now official: '24' is coming to an end on Fox!
After eight seasons, Fox’s “24” is coming to an end. The groundbreaking action drama will air its final real-time episode in May, the victim of a confluence of circumstances: a swelling budget, declining ratings and creative fatigue.

While it is true that the current season of 24 has paled in comparison to previous ones, I've kind of ignored this fact in the hopes it would ultimately get better. Arguably it's been one of the best shows ever produced for television and it will be missed. In fact, I'm not sure who I'll miss more: Chloe O'Brian or Jack Bauer!

Here is a 2009 slideshow featuring conservatives who support or have made an appearance on 24. Other pictures in the slideshow are from when Rush Limbaugh, David Horrowitz, Larry Elder and Dennis Praeger were invited to the set of 24 during Season 4. Also included is conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham making a cameo appearance in season 6 of 24, liberterian radio host Larry Elder as a CTU Agent, Conservative talk show host Dennis Praeger standing next to Larry Elder and 24 creator Joel Surnow. There's also a shot of John McCain making his cameo appearance on 24.

Here's a video link to the Heritage Foundation's panel discussion. The topic is "24" and America's Image in Fighting Terrorism: Fact, Fiction, or Does it Matter?
Click here to view the video

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