Saturday, April 3, 2010

What America can expect by example of Tennessee's present health care 'Disaster'!

Way back on 6/6/09 representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) promised that Tennessee's government-run health insurance plan TennCare would be a "disaster." She was is! She warned that a federally sponsored public option would likely result in a similar outcome. State spending in Tennessee, accelerated from 2.5 billion dollars in 1995 to 8 billion in 2004 because people dropped their private insurance in favor of the "public option."

Sen. Doug Jackson discusses TennCare with WKRN.
As of Feb. 2010, TennCare is already facing 9% budget cuts!

Congressman Blackburn discusses the TennCare "gamble" on Face the Nation!
"Over a decade ago Tennessee took the gamble that near term expecdetures could be offset by long term savings.....but they never materialized in either Tenn, Mass or Maine!"

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1 comment:

Right Truth said...

Marsha Blackburn was right.

We lived through the disaster of TennCare.

The same thing will happen with Obamacare, only worse.

Right Truth

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