Thursday, June 24, 2010

Democrats who previously opposed General Petraeus...

.....and who will now be forced to eat their own words lest they stand opposed to Obama's choice to replace General McChrystal.

Remember when CNN's Paul Begala defended's right to run an ad criticizing his upcoming testimony to Congress about the troop "Surge" in Iraq:

…and remember when Democrats wouldn't apologize for's ad about Petraeus:

…and when NY Times gave a discount for a Petraeus ad!

…and when Bill Clinton condemned Republicans over the phoney outrage over the ad about General (Betray Us) Petraeus:

…and the cream of the crop: Remember when Harry Reid called General Petraeus a liar:

Well thanks to Algore's internet, the rest of America does also! And our remembrance will culminate this November at the voting booth!
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