Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Mediaite has obtained video footage of the sexy Russian red-head, Anna Chapman, who is at the center of the Russian spy ring busted earlier this week by the FBI.

Here are some quotes from the 10-minute interview (with the benefit of hindsight – wow). And below, the full video:

• Her company – “It’s a very new start-up. We started working on it last month, and I was trying to figure out business model and trying to find my co-founders in New York.”

• About New York – “It’s a place where during difficult times and the crisis everyone comes together and says hey what are you waiting for let’s do it.”

• This exchange – Q: “What have you learned mingling with these other entrepreneurs?” A: “I’ve learned it’s a difficult situation for everyone. Entrepreneurship is all about solving problems.”

• About the people she met – “They were actually really useful in what they had to say…now I know where to go if I have something to solve.”

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