Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Socialism: Another living, breathing reason to run as fast as you can away from it!

Socialists believe in equality for all - hence their devotion to civil rights - and a fair distribution of wealth. This has never been successful in any society and never will! Even so, Dan La Botz, of Clifton, is running for a seat in the U.S. Senate this year on the Socialist ticket. Here’s a taste of his socialistic agenda:
"I don't support Obama. If I did, I would be a Democrat," La Botz said. "I find it astonishing that people would think he's a socialist. He's given trillions of dollars to bankers, billions to General Motors, created a health care system that supports the health insurance companies ... his foreign policy is consistent with Bush's foreign policy. We should be fighting for full employment. End wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We should immediately take over BP. What they own is too valuable and too powerful to be in private hands." http://conversations.blackvoices.com/bv-caucus/dc0db6af252445b58dc4aeeaa7cff29f/socialism-we-wish-s%20.../9b6a97a018f54ddc873b84a99361c6e3?sn=2
If that’s not scary enough, here’s La Botz, in New Orleans, Louisiana discussing the BP oil spill and what he believes the American people should do about it.

I am confident that the average American voter will see through the garbage this far left progressive is spewing! Unbelievably, he also believes that the current Democratic Party has veered to the political right!!!!! Good, this assumption will be his undoing! (Here’s the link, I can’t bear to see his face a second time!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3SZ1oyYca0&feature=channel

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