Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Laura Ingraham Show - Gov. Rick Perry blasts Obama!

On The Laura Ingraham Show, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas blasts President Obama on the issue of immigration saying @5:31, "This is an administration that loves to talk, but you don't see much action. It's an affront to those of us who live on this border--we got 1,200 miles of an 1,800-mile border here in Texas--they're sending 250 additional personnel to the border of Texas. That is on it's face an affront...We are pushing back every moment against this administration. We continue to see them not addressing this issue of border security. Put the boots on the ground. We need 3,000 additional border patrol agents on our border with Mexico just in Texas."

@3:26 Perry also explains his opposition to the Arizona immigration law: "We totally support Arizona's right to pass that legislation...There were a couple things in that legislation that we didn't think were right for Texas. I'm against the provision in the bill that would allow citizens to sue police departments for failure to uphold the law."

@4:35 The Governor trashed the media for misreporting his point of view.

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