Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama is Herbert Hoover - Rush Limbaugh!

"Obama is Herbert Hoover. You know they used to call those unemployment camps Hoovervilles. Well, now we're going to see Obamavilles springing up all across the nation. Thirteen thousand private sector jobs created last month. That means we only have 7,987,000 jobs to go until we reach where we were before, and that would total eight million except Vice President Bite Me said that we're never going to get those jobs back. And at this rate, this may be the first accurate thing that Vice President Bite Me has said in quite a while." Limbaugh on June 30th.

"When I was growing up, there was a song that captivated me. My mother listened to radio all the time in the summer, and that song was Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford. I suspect many of you have not heard this song. Listen to it..."
Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford

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