Friday, July 23, 2010

Rush Limbaugh comments on Sherrod!

RUSH: All right, we're gonna talk about Shirley Sherrod, and we're gonna talk about the NAACP, and Andrew Breitbart, and this video, but I want to tell you at the outset I hate it. I hate this story. I despise this story. I'm only talking about this because I must talk about it because I don't want to talk about it. It's a distraction. It's nothing more than the left playing the race card. The NAACP has thrown down the gauntlet because the big-government argument has failed. They are keeping alive the divisions in this country and I hate taking the bait. I hate playing along with it. I simply despise the whole thing. Everybody knows what's going on here. This is nothing more than a failed administration, a failed Democrat Party, a failed civil rights organization trying to stay alive with trumped up this and trumped-up that. This entire thing bores the heck out of me. The story bores me. The topic bores me. It angers me to no end. (interruption) Because I have to go after it, Snerdley, because even Fox caved on this, even poor old Shep Smith went down there and said that everybody's wrong on this, that Breitbart is wrong and so forth.....

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