Saturday, July 17, 2010

President's Weekly Address: Filibustering Recovery & Obstructing Progress!

The President blasts Republicans in the Senate who are blocking unemployment insurance and small business tax breaks to create jobs, even as they push for permanent, massive tax cuts for the richest Americans.
"But again and again, a partisan minority in the Senate said “no,” and used procedural tactics to block a simple, up-or-down vote. Think about what these stalling tactics mean for the millions of Americans who’ve lost their jobs since the recession began. Over the past several weeks, more than two million of them have seen their unemployment insurance expire. For many, it was the only way to make ends meet while searching for work – the only way to cover rent, utilities, even food."
Mr. President, should the Republicans in the Senate bend over to simply agree with and support every piece of agenda you and the Democrats bring forward? Would you do the same? I think not!

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