Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Imam: If You Don’t Build It, They Will Attack

H/T Breitbart:
"In an interview with guest host Soledad O'Brien, the Imam laid out his latest argument for the American people and his words can have only one meaning: Build this mosque or face the wrath of radical Islamists."

America does NOT (and should not) negotiate with terrorists (period). How many episodes of 24 does it take to get this throught your head?

Jack Bauer once said: "You probably don't think I could force this towel down your throat, but trust me I can. All the way. Except that I'd hold onto this little bit at the end. When your stomach starts to digest the towel, I pull it out. Taking your stomach lining with it. Most people probably take about a week to die. It's very painful." Followed by: "If you try to shoot me, I will have to shoot you back, and I promise I won't miss!"

CNN: “If we move from that location, the story will be the radicals have taken over the discourse, the headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack. Our national security now hinges on how we negotiate this, how we speak about it. The battlefront is between moderates of all sides… and the radicals on all sides.”

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