Monday, September 20, 2010

Obama supporter becomes victim of a hate crime!

A YouTube clip from News12 WDEF in Chattanooga:

A Chattanooga man claims he was the victim of a hate crime this weekend in the Churchville neighborhood where he lives. An unusual hate crime he's says is fueled by the fact that he is white.

Flowers said: "You see my daughter, I am not a racist. My daughter has a black mother, you see all the bumper stickers, the Obama bumper stickers on my truck. Me and her both spent two weekends in North Carolina working for his election. I'm a Martin Luther King, Jr. follower, I believe people are known by the content of their character, not by the shade of their skin."

We all know that this dude's problem is that he's a "whitey". In Obama's America, words and character don't matter, skin color does!

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