Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tell The Truth 2010!

Join the "Tell the Truth" campaign. Tell the Truth! is the Media Research Centers response to this all-out assault on our freedom and our way of life. It is our declaration of war on the outrageous levels of liberal bias in the media today.

Here is their website: http://www.mrcaction.org/558/petition.asp?su=1


America's Web Radio said...

The presentation by Mr. Bozell is very good and from small to large media we are all working very hard to present the "Truth" that the liberal media has and is lying about.

At America's Web Radio.com we have 10 programs devoted to exposing the fraud in Our White House and the devastation Congress and the Administration have had on Our Constitution. Everyone is welcome to tune into www.americaswebradio.com 24/7 for the TRUTH! Thank you for what you folks are doing a "right will win".

Unknown said...

I'm in favor of "truth",but don't see it coming from either Party,each of which seems to realize all the fears of our founding fathers concerning"factionalism." Primary elections need to be egalitarianized in every state so that all voters receive the same ballot. The courts have upheld Congress when it approves legislation that has no clear constitutional authority but flies in the face of The Ninth Amendment,"The enumeration in the constittution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The courts have erroneously established a presumption of constitutionality to all federal legislation. This flies in the face of the Ninth amendment. Legislation establishing Party control od primaries discriminatates against all independent voters. The foregoing are the gut issues that neither side of the aisle discusses.
A true conservative would be discussing such issues. Unless primaries are rescued from control of the two parties or eliminated there's no hope gridlock in Washington will end.

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