Monday, December 6, 2010

WikiLeaks Climate Cables Prove Rush Limbaugh Was Right!

RUSH: Hey, Snerdley, can you remember the first time I said on this program that environmentalism had nothing to do with the climate? When was the first time that I said militant environmentalism was the new home for displaced communists? It had to be back during the fall of the Berlin Wall. It had to be around 1990 or '91. So we'll figure 20 years ago. Now, this is what being on the cutting edge -- (interruption) What? Well, that's right, '90, '91, the Berlin Wall came down right after Gorbachev -- when I said that militant environmentalism has nothing to do with the climate, has nothing to do with green trees and all this clean water garbage, it's the new home of displaced communists, right? Well, there's a website out there called Watts Up With That? Watts Up With That, more on the WikiLeaks climate cables. It turns out that there are a bunch of cables that have to do with climate change in the WikiLeaks dump, and a number of them prove my point....

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