Thursday, May 20, 2010

Response to President Calderon by Rep. Tom McClintock!

Before we get to Tom, check out what one Mexican U.S. resident thinks of Arizona.....and you:

OK, now you're ready:

May 20, 2010 — Response to President Calderon
House Chamber, Washington, D.C.
May 20, 2010

M. Speaker:

I rise to take strong exception to the speech of the President of Mexico while in this chamber today.

The Mexican government has made it very clear for many years that it holds American sovereignty in contempt and President Calderons behavior as a guest of the Congress confirms and underscores this attitude.

It is highly inappropriate for the President of Mexico to lecture Americans on American immigration policy, just as it would be for Americans to lecture Mexico on its laws.

It is obvious that President Calderon does not understand the nature of America or the purpose of our immigration law.

Unlike Mexicos immigration law -- which is brutally exclusionary -- the purpose of Americas law is not to keep people out. It is to assure that as people come to the United States, they do so with the intention of becoming Americans and of raising their children as Americans.....And to those who say we must reform our immigration laws I reply that we dont need to reform them we need to enforce them. Just as every other government does. Just as Mexico does...

Mexican president gets applause for criticizing Arizona's immigration law. Take note of who is clapping and remember their names and faces:

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Spokane employers seeing record number of job applicants!

While the unemployment rate fell from 10.7 percent in March to 8.7 percent in April many Spokane, Washington employers like the Spokane Indians and Riverfront Park are seeing hundreds of people seeking to compete for a handful of part-time jobs. KXLY4's Sally Showman reports that the number of people who applied was over 500 and only 70 landed a spot for these minimum wage jobs. Kinda tells you what else "isn't" available out there!

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Costa Mesa California "We are not a sanctuary city!"

Costa Mesa California says: "We are not a sanctuary city!" The endless flow of "undocumented workers" has prompted Costa Mesa to become a "rule of law city"! This means that they are a sanctuary city NO MORE!

Arizona to L.A.: Boycott us and we'll cut off your power...Enjoy your hot summer..LOL

Local KCAL News 9 reports:
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce says: "If L.A. really wants to cut all ties to Arizona, then maybe Arizona should cut off the electricity supplies to the city"!

PPIC Poll Shows Stunning Comeback For Poizner!

A new PPIC Poll released (5/19/10) shows that Steve Poizner has gained massive support as Meg Whitman's lead vanishes.

Secret Service Investigates After Wisconsin Bartender Burns Obama in Effigy!

WTJM-TV, Milwaukee: People in West Allis were shouting and laughing as a bar tender torched the statue for the crowd. Flames tore through the statue with what looks like duct tape wrapped around it's neck. Yester Years Pub and Grill is owned by Karen Schoenfeld. We wanted to ask her what the bartender meant with the fire. But a message left at the bar wasn't returned. And no one answered the door at her New Berlin home. "I regret that it happened, that it happened in our state. I think that's the worst image that a person can send out," said Hamilton.
It's amazing what some folks will do when they're drunk. Hmm, now if this were President Bush of fire....!

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