Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gibbs Defends Automaker Takeover, Rips on Limbaugh!

During the White House daily press briefing on July 29, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took another couple of jabs Limbaugh - this time over the auto manufacturer bailout. In responding to a question concerning charges of "socialism," Gibbs went right after Limbaugh.

"Look, I'll say this - Rush Limbaugh and others wanted to walk away," Gibbs said. "Rush Limbaugh and others saw a million people that work at these factories that worked at these part suppliers that supported communities and thought that we should all just walk away. The president didn't think that walking away from a million jobs in these communities made a lot of economic sense."

Mexican Flag Flies as Dozens Arrested at Illegal-Immigration Law Protests!

From News 10 Phoenix:
Dozens of protesters were arrested after confronting police in riot gear in Phoenix today. The protesters waved the Mexican flag as they protested Arizona's recent crackdown on illegal immigration.

GOP Plans State Pickups in 2010 Elections - Ed Gillespie!

Members of the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), including Ed Gillespie, Tom Reynolds and Chris Jankowski, sat down for a conversation with attendees of the Monitor Breakfast about how the RSLC's views a path to success for Republicans in the 2010 state legislative races, and what it means for long-term Congressional redistricting
Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) Chairman Ed Gillespie says he feels very confident that the Republican Party will pick up a minimum of ten legislative chambers around the country during the 2010 November elections, the most for the GOP since 1994.

President Obama's NYC Motorcade!

Snippets from Obama's NYC visit on July 28, 2010. At the end of the day, his motorcade drove the length of Houston Street, ending up at Anna Wintour's abode on Sullivan Street.Watch as your tax dollars drive on by!

UV Light Exposes Oil Contaminated Sand!

A CNN report but nonetheless worth a look. Oil particles are glowing!

Taiwanese CGI Takes On Sarah Palin!

In terms of the actual content, it’s mostly Palin pole dancing in a bikini, shooting moose with a machine gun from a helicopter and parachuting herself into a “teabagger rally.” There is also a rendition of “Keeping Up with the Palins” (presumably a Wasilla-based reality TV show) depicting the Palin family smoking illicit substances and yelling at each other, and a dramatization of the suffering of William Shakespeare’s ghost as he watches Palin “refudiate” the Ground Zero mosque.

Chelsea Clinton Wedding Chatter?

Despite the over-the-top secrecy -- or maybe, in part, because of it -- the world is abuzz over Chelsea Clinton's upcoming. Experts speculate about what is being called the wedding of the year. Guess which President is not on the invite list.

Source: AP

Florida Primary candidate Greg Brown steals Doug Broxson's campaign signs!

Greg Brown, Republican candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, was caught on video last Saturday night removing his opponent -- Doug Broxson's -- campaign signs. Members of Doug Broxson's campaign, concerned by the frequent disappearance of their campaign signs, were setting up a remote video survellience when -- to their surprise -- Greg Brown and his wife appeared and began removing their signs right in front of the bushes where they were hiding. The District 1 candidate can be seen removing signs while his wife, Jennifer, pretends to be placing her own sign each time a car passes by. Greg can also be heard warning his wife that her fingerprints are still on the signs on the ground.

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Sessions to Dem Senators: Don't Rubberstamp Kagan Nomination for Obama!

Today Sen. Sessions encouraged his Democrat colleagues in the Senate to carefully scrutinize President Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Sessions argued that Ms. Kagan is a legal progressive and stated that the American people do not want Senators to confirm a Supreme Court nominee who would impose their own social or political views from the bench, and that such a philosophy is contrary to our legal heritage.

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