Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama Gets Book Thrown At Him At Philadelphia Rally!

President Barack Hussein Obama is almost struck by a flying book from the crowd. Not cool in my book, no matter who the President is. It is fitting for all Americans to have the proper decorum and respect for the office of the President at public events. Freedom of the press and differences of opinion in private is another.

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Schieffer Mocks Axelrod: Complaining About GOP Ad Dollars ‘The Best You Can Do?’!

Schieffer seems dissappointed that this is the only dirt Axelrod can dig up. Can't we all just......tell the truth?

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Paladino claims media is lying about gay coments!

Several news outlets have reported that New York GOP Gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino said that there’s “nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual” in a speech to Orthodox Jewish leaders.

The Paladino campaign has cried foul and issued a statement claiming that he never said those words and the media reported the statement without actually hearing his remarks.

This video is identified as Paladino's full speech.

H/T Breitbart
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Shame on SEIU: "Stop the boycott of Arizona!"!

A housewife confronts SEIU Fat Cats, enough is enough, stop the Boycott of Arizona, Stop hurting your union members. She uses a really loud megaphone!

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