Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength"!

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Unbridled, Vitriolic Hatred for Sarah Palin Continues Unabated!
RUSH LIMBAUGH: January 13, 2011
According to ABC News, the death threats against Sarah Palin have reached an unprecedented level. I have the story in the stack. In San Francisco today I guess we can say the president's words are being ignored because there are insulting posters of Sarah Palin on a street which encourage violence against her. The president's admonition for us to be nicer to each other is not working. And ABC News: "Death Threats Against Palin Have Reached 'Unprecedented Level.'" Should Obama have specifically mentioned how wrong that is? Should he? I mean this is not some vague academic hypothesis. This is actually happening and Obama is ignoring it. Now, Obama has no problem warning against the backlash against Muslim terrorists, and during the Fort Hood scenario, after it was discovered that Major Hasan had been getting inspiration from a militant Islamist a guy named al-Awlaki, not only Obama, but some high-ranking general said, "My main priority is to make sure there's not a backlash against Muslims in the US Army." Okay. All right, cool. If that's your gig, fine.

....and now, here is Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength"!

Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength" from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.

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