Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thanks to loyal visitors of Dittos Rush!

Fellow conservatives,

As difficult as this will be for me, I have decided to discontinue daily updates to "Dittos Rush" due to the current constraints of my personal time. During the past two years I have greatly enjoyed meeting a lot of great conservatives while tending to the goal of building a blog with a reputation for "a fruitful place to visit". I wish to thank Fox Nation for hosting my videos "The Obama Diet" and "The Teleprompter Chronicles" last year from my YouTube page. I am also very greatly grateful to Yid with Lid, Kathy Shaidle, The Yiddish Report, World Net Daily and Conservative Blogs Central for linking to my blog and/ or several of my posts over the past two years along with their continued encouragement. It has been an extreme pleasure partnering with you for the cause of conservatism. May the "Dittos Rush" archive of posts serve as a small reminder of the salient political events during the past two years. By the way, please make note of the new web address:
I have accomplished most of the "blogging" goals which I set for myself and "Dittos Rush" with the exception of one: Receiving a mention from the "great one" himself, El Rushbo. That would have been a......Rush!  I'll never forget the day I heard Rush divert his listeners to Yid with Lid's blog for another of his great video "catches". I was so happy for "The Lid" yet understandably a little bit jealous.

For those who wish to "keep in touch", I will be blogging on a less frequent basis at: whilst updating my YouTube page on occasion.

Until then, may God richly bless you. Dittos!

James Richardson
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