Monday, June 27, 2011

Chris Wallace insults Michele Bachmann and goes on to win shallow apology of the year award!

'Fox News Sunday' anchor Chris Wallace comments about this week's interview with presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and provides his reaction to viewer e-mails that were sent in following the show regarding "Are You A Flake" statement.

Wallace questions whether Bachman thinks she is a flake not once, but TWICE! (0:31 and 1:37 in the following video)

Both of these bookmark Bachman's review of her qualifications and experience as follows:
  • Married 33 years
  • Post doctorate degree in federal tax law
  • Raised 5 kids & 23 foster children
  • Started a charter school for at risk kids
  • A former state Senator
  • A Congresswoman
  • A job creator in business
  • Led a movement for fiscal reform

This does not sound very flaky to me, Mr. Wallace. In, fact you chose to ignore everything Bachman said and repeated your stupid question again! You knew what you were doing. This is why many do not believe the following apology of yours to be 100% genuine:

Shall we dare to compare Michele Bachmann's qualifications to President Obama's?

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