Monday, August 22, 2011

Arabiyah: Free Libyans Take Over Tripoli!

Well, at least the suit looks nice!
By: Nadia Idriss Mayen, Al Arabiya with Agencies:

After six months of pro-democracy uprisings, what were once besieged streets are now filled with thousands of people gathered to celebrate the rebel victory in the capital city of Tripoli. On Sunday evening, Libyan rebels entered the city's Green Square, now renamed "Martyrs' Square," facing no resistance from forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi.
By Monday morning, most of the capital was under the control of rebel forces, whose opposition flags could be seen everywhere. According to the rebel leadership, at least two of Qaddafi's sons, Saif Al-Islam and Mohammed, are in rebel custody. Meanwhile, Qaddafi's presidential guard units have laid down their arms. Residents took to the streets to celebrate the collapse of Qaddafi's forces and the end to what they see as the fall off Qaddafi's four-decade rule. Some people blew their car horns and others were seen embracing each other and shouting with joy. Weapons were fired into the air and fireworks lit the night sky. The whereabouts of Mr. Qaddafi are unknown.

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