Sunday, August 14, 2011

`Day of Wrath` protesters detained in Russia!

It seems the whole world is protesting something these days:
13.08.11:   Police in Russia surround a protester, tearing him from the crowd and hauling him onto a waiting bus. One by one, nearly thirty demonstrators in the unsanctioned anti-Kremlin protest in central Moscow are forced to board the police vehicle. The protest one of several demonstrations on what is being called Russia`s "Day of Wrath." Chanting "Fascism will not prevail!", some protesters hold signs asking the government to release a detained Left Front leader. Some protest the likely election of a woman backed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who would become the first female speaker of a house of parliament in Russia. Others rally for economic, social and political change...and many want Putin to relinquish power. Russia`s President Dmitry Medvedev has cast himself as less confrontational with anti-government critics than Putin - who steered him into the Kremlin in 2008. The "Day of Wrath" is one of several protests activists plan to stage regularly in Russia`s capital.

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