Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Disappointed Andrea Mitchell desperate for Tax Increases!

NBC's Andrea Mitchell, in an exclusive interview with Nancy Pelosi aired on her MSNBC show on August 3, 2011, hit the Democratic House Minority Leader from the left on the debt agreement as she pronounced it "a bad deal" because "there's no taxes in it" and whined: "Was the President a bad negotiator? Did he give away too much?" (Courtesy

Curiously, after George W. Bush was re-elected and the debt ceiling had been raised in November 2004, Mitchell felt Republicans should be "embarrassed" for having done so:

ANDREA MITCHELL: But what is looking over his shoulder is history. He wants a legacy. He wants to be able to do something about Social Security. He knows he's got to do something about deficit reduction. That is the big embarrassment for Republicans. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, what the Hill Republicans have done. They've been worse than Democrats.

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