Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dick Cheney talks about the Solyndra investment!

Former Vice President Dick Cheney joins Don Wade and Roma Chicago's WLS radio to discuss his history in politics and how the Republicans are looking for 2012. He talks about Carville's "panic" comment and also shares his views on the Solyndra investment. Interestingly, Megan McArdle, senior editor for The Atlantic says:

The reason that it doesn't look good is not, as some conservatives seem to be dreaming, because it exposes some deep corruption at the heart of the Obama administration. Rather, it exposes how badly these things can go wrong when government bureaucrats are assigned to make political dreams come true with Other Peoples' Money….The problem with Solyndra is not George Kaiser. It's the whole concept behind a program that is supposed to enable politically favored technologies, using loan guarantees that look cheap when they're issued, and end up costing us half a billion dollars because we rushed the due diligence to make sure top officials got a good photo op. Link

Cheney's comments here:

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