Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Senator Lee Addresses Irresponsible Spending from Both Parties!

“You shouldn’t trust anyone just because they say they’re a Republican or a Democrat. This is an equal opportunity, bi-partison problem if I’ve ever seen one” says Utah Senator Mike Lee.

Government spending is an equal opportunity, bipartisan problem where both parties have been guilty. A balanced budget amendment is the only way to fix this problem.

Enjoy a few photos from my “Cut spending now” collection:
cartoon-obama-debt-11 economy wreck Note from Mugabe babyborn debt cartoon cartoon obama spending cartoon_spendinghighspeedrailofftrack debt-ceiling-obama-cartoons KALs-Cartoon job creating Obama-Spending-Into-Space More Spending obama cartoons Obama Spending $$$ obamacare-cartoon obama-spend-like-hell-politcal-cartoon

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