Monday, March 12, 2012

Press Conference on Challenge to Federal Health Care Law!

From the Indiana Attorney General YouTube page:

When the United States Supreme Court hears a landmark legal challenge to the federal health care law, it will be asked to decide fundamental questions about the federal government's authority and what it can compel private individuals and state governments to do, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller said at a news conference on Monday, March 12, with Senator Richard Lugar.

Indiana is one of 26 states challenging the constitutionality of the federal health care law as an overreach of congressional authority. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear six hours of oral argument in the legal challenge over three days starting March 26. Having prepared a report to Lugar on the health care legislation before it passed Congress, Zoeller decided in March 2010 that Indiana would join the multistate legal challenge to the new law.

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