Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Holder has a Troubling Pattern of Failed Cooperation" -Rep. Labrador on Fast & Furious Contempt!

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) addresses the House Oversight Committee regarding the Department of Justice's stonewalling tactics in the Committee's meeting on holding Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt on Congress for his actions during Operation Fast and Furious and throughout the Committee's Investigation in the Operation. House Oversight Committee Metting 6-20-12 Rep Ann Marie Beurkle (R-VA) addresses the responsibility of the House Oversight Committee and of the entire Congress in a Full House Oversight Committee Hearing on June 20, 2012. Buerkle addresses the Department of Justice's stonewalling in the Investigation of Operation Fast and Furious during the Committee's Meeting to vote on holding Eric Holder in Contempt.

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