Thursday, August 2, 2012

10.144.128.# - Government takeover of the web?

I'm receiving what seems to be a long string of Bot hits, beginning yesterday and continuing up until now on all my Blogspot blogs. The IP address (fourth number in sequence unknown) is: 10.144.128.#. I haven't been able to verify whether it's a Bot or whether it's a hacker or attacker or a legit visitor. Anybody with any knowledge of this, please leave an informative comment. Thank you.

Updated on Sitemeter support 7/30/12 (I apparently missed the memo):
Hello, Please note that we are moving servers and this may be affecting specific groups of customers accounts. Downtime of services should be limited to just a few hours. If you notice a disruption of services that last longer than 3-4 hours, please contact us and let us know. Thanks, The Sitemeter Support Team

OK, so it's not a Government takeover of the web. ;-)

Check it out, this post ranked #1 on Yahoo:


Hieuky said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one! There is a mass of 10.144.128.# visiting my Tumblr page, and we can conclude that it's a bot? What tracker are you using? I'm using SiteMeter, and it has been known that they are working to change the servers at the moment. I believe that this is the issue.

mediaspin said...

Sitemeter as well. Hopefully your observations are correct.

Hieuky said...

Yeah, it has to be a SiteMeter issue. Are you also able to view the details of a certain visitor? I keep receiving the following notice: "The report is currently available. Please wait a few minutes and try again."

mediaspin said...

The last enry in the SiteMeter News & Announcements was on February 19, 2009. Nice of them to keep in touch with there customers!

Hieuky said...

Wow, really? Didn't see that one. And, I'm not sure how exactly I found out about them moving servers in July announcements... probably from Google search. Anyhow, here's the link to their announcement and it's dated from July 27th, 2012. You may get a warning notice to ask if you want to download it. It's safe. :)

Paul Burman said...

Same happening to my blog for the last 24 hours with 10.144.128.# and resulting in the same SiteMeter notice: "report is currently unavailable". Apart from Googlebot, though, I don't seem to be getting any other visitors, and, as far as I can tell, who or whatever is trawling through archives and images.

The Sanity Inspector said...

Same at my place. I thought it might be Russian or Chinese hackers, using our pokey little blogs for target practice.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...same here. I sent in a tech support request but the only thing I've gotten so far from them is that they charged my card its monthly amount.

The Twaddler said...

It's not actually a bot, since one of my own visits to my site registered as 10.144.128, which is not my IP, and the "by referrals" page shows some of the rest to have come legitimately from Google searches, blog lists, etc.

Horse Protection Canada said...

I've had a string of these today. I use Sitemeter.

Emilio Pacheco said...

I've been experiencing the same problem since August 1st. What really scared me is one thing some of you probably haven't realized: these visits are all coming from the regular visitors of your blogs. Somehow this mysterious IP address is intercepting them! If this is just a Site Meter bug, fine. Try visiting your own blogs through a specific search argument on Google (so you will be able to identify your own search on Site Meter) and you will see that even YOUR OWN visits to your blogs will show up under the same IP address!

mediaspin said...

Wow, I had my first hit (other than10.144.128.#) from:98.23.55.# momemnts ago.

YTSL said...

Hi there --

Noticed the same thing as you -- and many others re 10.144.128#. Know it's from the US. Thing is I'm not (even) based in the US!

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