Sunday, September 15, 2013

The ObamaCare Nightmare!

"You know, doctors are people, and we're being hammered on all sides here. It's the paperwork; it's insurance; it's transitioning to electronic medical records, so the government can get their mitts into your practice. It's lawsuits; it's rising overhead and decreasing compensation; it's stress upon stress upon stress. And a lot of doctors are going to say, 'Forget it. I don't want to do this anymore.' Guys that are 5 or 10 years older than me are just going to give up and walk away."

“We’re seeing a significant number of scams because of Obamacare,” said John Breyault, vice president of public policy for the NCL. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has received more than 1,100 complaints of this nature since May, he said.“What consumers need to know is that they’re not going to get calls from the Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services, HHS, Obamacare, asking them to divulge sensitive personal information, like a Social Security number, like bank account numbers, like date of birth,” Breyault said.

So, we have another committee now under Obamacare, made up of 16 non-government experts in medical prevention and evidence-based medicine. Like the IPAB, they will review what and when and how often you will be entitled to medical screenings and make recommendations on what can, or can’t, be offered for health coverage. Here are some examples of their limiting work. 
In this video, Dr. Stewart Spitzer shares his thoughts on ObamaCare and it's effect on Americans:

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