Friday, October 24, 2014

Civil Unrest in Ferguson: Duty To Fight, Duty To Win!

For many from the #Ferguson and St. Louis areas, justice for #MikeBrown is a personal issue. "It's a tough fight, it's a heavy burden, we are tired, exhausted, but we keep fighting because we do think we are going to win. We have to, we have to. I don't think this generation is going to drop the ball on this." - Brittany Ferrell  

They are engaged in a serious social media effort as they freely admit: "We're part of a global generation - without borders - connected to issues that impact your life, our world." It's apparent to them that the first black president hasn't improved race relations in America. Odd how the most powerful man in the world was unable to accomplish this.

Scroll down to the bottom of and you will see this message:

You know what to do!

Remember that according to AJ+ you can't trust the police in Ferguson, Ms.!

And they are pissed:
When white police officer Darren Wilson killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown on August 9, the St. Louis, Missouri, suburb of Ferguson became an amplifier for the issues of police militarization and racism. In the midst of the chaos that ensued, two young black women—Alexis Templeton and Brittany Ferrell—became leaders of a movement, reclaiming the megaphone from longstanding civil-rights leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton...

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