Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Julie Bishop: Feminism 'not a term I find particularly useful'!

Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop comments as she addressed the National Press Club in Canberra-
Bishop on feminism: 
"It's not a term that I find particularly useful these days. I recognize the role it's played and the barriers and challenges overcome by the women's movement. I don't reject the term but it's not a word I'd use to describe myself."
Bishop on the seemingly disconnected relationship between feminism and conservative politicians:
"With respect I think you're over analyzing it. [Feminism] is just not a term I use. It's because I have a pathological dislike for the term, I just don't use it. It's not part of my lexicon. It just isn't. And I don't think anyone should take offence to that and read into it. I'm a female politician – get over it."

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