Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Meet 18-year-old Saira Blair: America's youngest elected lawmaker in the country!

Meet 18-year-old Saira Blair — a Republican from West Virginia — who just became the youngest elected lawmaker in the country:
I am a proud constitutional conservative. I’m Pro Life. I’m Pro Marriage. I’m Pro Family. I’m Pro Second Amendment. And I’m Pro Business.
I’m living proof that you can get a good education in West Virginia if you choose to but it’s very difficult to find a good paying job and I want to change that. Lower taxes, limited government and a fair, predictable court system will encourage economic growth which equates to more good paying jobs. I believe West Virginians deserve better! Enacting sound economic principles will solve virtually all of West Virginia’s socioeconomic woes.

On May 27th, Republican Nominee for House of Delegates in the West Virginia's 59th District, Saira Blair, appeared on the Glenn Beck Program on the Blaze TV. Saira discussed bringing jobs to WV, her conservative principles and more:

Find Saira on Facebook.
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