Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Saint Louis University Student Protesting Tips!

Saint Louis University officials recently sent students tips on how best to protest if they choose to take part in possible unrest as a result of the Ferguson grand jury decision, expected in the next week or so. It's stunning to think that college students have to be reminded of these "common sense" principles. Then again, this is the era of hope and change sprinkled with a dash of spreading the wealth around. Let's hope the police don't act stupidly.

The official Saint Louis protesting tips include, but are not limited to:

  • Do bring: pen and paper; video cameras and tape recorders; warm clothes, extra socks, boots and sealed eye goggles; water and energy snacks; and duct tape. (Duct tape?)
  • Don’t bring an address book, illegal drugs, weapons or contact lenses. (Contact lenses?)
  • If someone is being arrested, try to write down the badge # of the officer (if they have it on), and video tape it if you can. Indy media and other organizations can use this footage, and it could potentially be used by the lawyers in suits against the cops. (Lawyers gotta eat too!)
  • Please do not invite or expect anyone other than SLU students, faculty and staff to participate. (If you protest, they will come. Don't expect the unexpected, just be prepared for it?)
Information courtesy:  http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/20160/

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