Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: Media Fear Sarah Palin!

"Nice photo, huh!"

"Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is praising former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as the conservative candidate liberals fear the most...“I have been pointing out that the Democrat Party and the media will tell us who they fear most -- and they're not afraid of Huckabee, and they're not afraid of Mitt Romney and they're not afraid of Rudy Giuliani,” Limbaugh said on his show Tuesday. “But they have gone out of their way to destroy Sarah Palin."

Psst: By the way, I would vote for her in a heartbeat! Obama is a pleasant guy whom I wish the best for but policy wise, he's a leaf blowing in the wind!

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1 comment:

Gator 1 said...

Sarah Palin being #1 and #3 on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel 7 weeks before her book "Going Rogue-An American Life"- is even published is driving the left over the cliff- and we love it.
Anonymous bloggers with anonymous sources are pitiful- but thanks for the FREE publicity.
I hope she sells 10 million copies and makes TONS of money!
That will REALLY whack them out! Capitalism and free markets, baby!

I saw Sarah in Atlanta and she is a dynamic, intelligent Conservative woman with prinicipals.

A highly sought-after speaker with a huge base who support her in everything she does.

The looney left can eep up their Alinsky tactics. They aren't working and you are desperate and it shows.
Dismiss Sarah at your peril!
The Kool Aid Drinkers get all their "information" from the State Controlled Media, Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show and Steven Colbert-you losers!
I can smell the flop sweat from the rabid, vicious left.
GO SARAH PALIN!!! And come on 2010 and 2012!

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