Saturday, April 24, 2010
‘An Attempt to Grill’: Palin Talks to Greta About Testimony in Hacking Trial!
Fox News: Sarah Palin testified Friday against a 22-year-old man accused of hacking into her e-mail account, saying later it's up to the judge to decide whether he should serve prison time if convicted.
‘Remember November’: Republican Governors Send Video Message for Fall Elections!
"The American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama." Some knew this, some ignored this and some just don't care!
"Defeat the Bastards" Code Red 2.0, March on Washington Tea Party!
We Will Remember from Republican Governors Association on Vimeo.
This is a must watch and twitter candidate video:"Defeat the Bastards" Code Red 2.0, March on Washington Tea Party!