- Overprotective Media Defends Obama From Olympic Criticism
Rodney Harrison said it's time for Patriots QB Tom Brady to take off the skirt and take his hits like everyone else on the gridiron. How about the same for the President? - Some Left-Wing Columnist Says This: What America Needs is a Good Enemy
- Greg Lewis in the American Thinker: Did We Elect a Beta Male As President?
"You can't have it both ways. You can't say nobody listens to me and then say that I'm poisoning politics! You can't say, 'Stop listening to Limbaugh,' because nobody's listening because I'm poisoning politics. They're all over the board. It's the same thing, day in and day out." -Rush - CBS Pulls Letterman's Greatest Hour From YouTube
Peyser: Dump Depraved Dave Now AP: Will Women Turn From Letterman? - A Parody of the "Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm" Song: Rush Battle Hymn which is a reference to this indoctrination video:
Monday, October 5, 2009
Rush Limbaugh show source recap: Oct 5th, 2009
Rush reads his WSJ Op-Ed to the President!
Rush reminded us of his Feb. Wall Street Journal Op-Ed today:
"You have singled me out directly, admonishing members of Congress not to listen to my show. Bill Clinton has since chimed in, complaining about the lack of balance on radio. And a number of members of your party, in and out of Congress, are forming a chorus of advocates for government control over radio content.....

James Carville (The "Forehead") followed up with his "response".
Commentary: A history lesson for Rush Limbaugh
"On Thursday, Rush Limbaugh, the moral and intellectual leader and most influential person in the Republican Party in the United States, wrote in the august op-ed pages of The Wall Street Journal....."
"You have singled me out directly, admonishing members of Congress not to listen to my show. Bill Clinton has since chimed in, complaining about the lack of balance on radio. And a number of members of your party, in and out of Congress, are forming a chorus of advocates for government control over radio content.....
James Carville (The "Forehead") followed up with his "response".
Commentary: A history lesson for Rush Limbaugh
"On Thursday, Rush Limbaugh, the moral and intellectual leader and most influential person in the Republican Party in the United States, wrote in the august op-ed pages of The Wall Street Journal....."