Interesting.....and timely!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Former US Senator Alan Simpson- "Politics is a contact sport"!
Flasback of wisdom: "Politics is a contact sport," former United States Senator Alan K. Simpson told an audience at DePauw University in 1998. Simpson, director of the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, offered "An Overview of Congress: Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit" in Meharry Hall of historic East College. He once said, "as a politician, you get your skin ripped off, but it grows back double strength. You're on the cover of TIME magazine one week and doing time the next." Full text/ video at:
Interesting.....and timely!
Interesting.....and timely!
John Kerry: A Global Warming suggestion for Chinese President Hu Jintao!
At the World Economic Forum, John Kerry is asked: If you could ask any other world leader a question, what would it be and who would you ask it to? Since nobody gets things done like John (who served in Vietnam) Kerry, he begins by saying that he'd ask someone who is alive because "we need to get things done". Stumbling through the rest of his answer he says that he'd like to ask President Jintao why he's not the global warming alarmist like he is.
Glenn Beck Show (January 28, 2011): Can Man Rule Himself?
Check out this new compilation video from Glenn Beck revealing how Americans are being manipulated via the 'left' by means of appeals to crisis in various and sundry forms:
This show is all about the American Experiment rule himself? And if so, how? Joining Glenn and the studio audience for this show is Marvin Olasky, author of 'Corporate Public Relations: A New Historical Perspective'.
This show is all about the American Experiment rule himself? And if so, how? Joining Glenn and the studio audience for this show is Marvin Olasky, author of 'Corporate Public Relations: A New Historical Perspective'.