Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama's Debt-End Bus Tour!

Help get the truth out to the American people about Obama's disastrous record of epic policy and leadership failure. It's time to stand up for Main Street U.S.A. and bring a halt to the "Debt-End" Express.

The following video gives a few undeniable facts and figures and a way YOU can participate!
Guess what, President Obama is already using the bus he will use again during his 2012 Campaign courtesy of YOU, the American taxpayer!

NYC Street Flooding | Torrential Downpours- August 14th, 2011!

Courtesy YouTuber tornadovideostock: What a deluge here in NYC today! The rains began yesterday evening around 10pm and have not let up since then. I was awoken by several bouts of storms during the overnight hours and by the time I got up this morning, my neighborhood here in NYC had already received over 2 inches of rain. We've more than doubled that since then and I headed out the door around 10am to document some of the flooding around my area. 

This video was shot right near the intersection of Metropolitan Ave & Cooper Ave in Middle Village, NY. Parts of the NYC metro have already received in excess of 8 inches of rain at the time of this posting! The average so far appears to be in the 4-6 inch range. That's a whole lot of rain for one day.


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