Does Kagan have the right job experience?"The biggest criticism I've seen out there is that you've never been a judge. Frankly, I find this refreshing. The Roberts court is the first Supreme Court in history to be comprised entirely of former federal courts of appeals judges. Throughout the history of the court, over one-third of the justices -- 38 out of 111 -- have had no prior judicial experience."
-- Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.)
"Ms. Kagan has less real legal experience of any nominee in at least 50 years. And it's not just that the nominee has not been a judge. She has barely practiced law and not with the intensity and duration from which I think real legal understanding occurs. Ms. Kagan has never tried a case before a jury. She argued her first appellate case just nine months ago. While academia certainly has value, there is no substitute, I think, for being in the harness of the law, handling real cases over a period of years."
-- Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.)