Friday, January 7, 2011

The Laura Ingraham Show - Palin: Obama is hell bent on weakening America!

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@3:38 - Palin: "We've got to be able to respect our politicians and trust what it is they are doing. Now, I don't personally trust what comes out of the White House....[Obama] is hell bent on weakening America and he has told us back in March of 2006 that it weakens America domestically and internationally to raise the debt ceiling. And he said it is a sign of failed leadership to support raising the debt ceiling. And now he is doing exactly that. So, what Obama is doing--purposefully weakening America, because he understood that debt weakens America domestically and internationally--and yet now he supports increasing debt."
Laura: "So his goal is to weaken America?"
Palin: "On this issue it has to be, otherwise, what did he mean back in March of 2006 when he said that he understood that increasing debt weakens America?"

@4:50 - On running for president: Laura: "Are you making a trip to New Hampshire any time soon? Because Romney is up there and he's doing pretty well in the polls."
Palin: "We're scheduling our year's calendar here in the next couple of days and we'll see when we get there...Hopefully those voters along with a whole lot of others around America are just hoping for no more status quo."

Senator introduces Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act!

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Here's an example of politics done right:
Nebraska could soon follow step with Arizona in adopting stricter immigration laws. Senator Charlie Janssen with the help Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning introduced the Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act. It would give officers the power to verify immigration status of offenders if there is 'reasonable suspicion'. It criminalizes working in the state while in the country illegally and makes it tougher for them to obtain legal status once in the country.

CES 2011: Ford debuts all-electric car!

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For the first time outside of a major auto show, Ford has introduced a new car, the Focus Electric. Charging time is 3-4 hours with a top speed of 84 mph. Home charging station: $1,500 smackers! Thank, but no thanks Ford.

Rush Limbaugh, "John Boehner Says "Up Yours" To Harry Reid"!

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Reid tells Boehner: "Don't even bother trying to repeal Obamacare in the House because it's going to fail in the Senate!"
Boehner tells Reid: "The House IS going to pass legislation to repeal it!"
Translation: Up yours!


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