According to an article in the Investors Business Daily, "The average employer-provided family health
insurance premiums have climbed $2,976 since 2009, according to an annual Kaiser Family Foundation survey released this week. They're up $3,671 compared with the year before President Obama took office. That's despite Obama's repeated promises that the health care reform law he championed would cut premiums by $2,500 in his first term."
You have to love a few of the comments which followed:
- You think ObamaCare is good now, wait til it's free!
- It could also usher in an era of you selling your neighbors eggs and home made soap from little red wagons.
- My son's health care insurance for him, his wife and 5 kids just increased $2,400 a year. That's a $200 a month jump over what he was paying.
- I have notice substantial increases to my costs, as well. I was fortunate enough to earn a hefty raise, but with rising prices, healthcare costs, and other increases in cost of living my raise is hardly noticeable. Any experts talking about a recovery are living in fantasy land. A single meal at a fast food burger joint costs $7 - $10 if you don't order off a value menu. Grocery prices are way up. Retailers are starting Christmas promotions in August.
- It's cheaper to go without health insurance now, thanks Obama, you gunky!
- I actually heard the President say yesterday that he "saved the auto industry, fixed a broken healthcare system, and reversed America's dependence on foreign oil". He said this with a straight face.
- Elections have $$$$$$ consequences. HOPE everybody who voted for the charlatan and his cohort dems are happy now.
- My premium increased 229% over last year's premium! Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California.
- Nobody owes you anything...it wouldn't fix what ails the "black community" anyway....you can thank LBJ for the "Great Society/War on Poverty" politics that began the destruction of the black family...
- Racism is EVERYWHERE in this country. Especially against our president who people think everything his fault because he is African American.