Nikki Haley's victory in South Carolina's bruising GOP primary for governor moves the state lawmaker closer to becoming her state's first woman chief executive and America's first Sikh-born governor, while assuring her a place on the national political scene.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
"This President is an obamination!"
Five star Gen. McChrystal submitted his resignation today and Obama cheerfully accepted. I could think of only one appropriate response. It's from Alan Keyes who had strong words on Barack Obama's presidency in the first place, way back in 2009 (Did I mention that he's black?):
Gulf Residents Cheer Judge for Moratorium Decision!
FBN's Jeff Flock on the support by Gulf coast residents of the judges decision to end the moratorium on offshore drilling. Chalk another one up for hard working Americans against the Tyranny of the Obama administration.
Who’s Lying? McCain Backs Up Kyl!
"It was made very clear to me... that the President basically conditioned his support for border security to comprehensive immigration reform."
Michelle Malkin at The Reagan Ranch Center June 18, 201!
Michelle Malkin spoke at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara on June 18, 2010. As part of the Young America's Foundation Roundtable events.
The Young America’s Foundation is the largest conservative student outreach organization in the country, and the only such organization with offices on both the East and West Coasts. Students visit the Reagan Ranch for conferences and leadership retreats. These programs fill the Reagan Ranch Center week after week, drawing high school and college students from around the country eager to learn more about conservative ideas.
Another Embarassing Moment from Congressman Hare!
In an on-line address to 'Organizing For America' President Obama revealed his plan to "move comprehensive energy and climate legislation forward". "If we seize this moment, we can rebuild our economy on a new foundation..."