Not only does the President want to “spread the wealth around” as he stated before he was elected but now it appears he wants to spread the credit of individual success around as well. I cannot think of one business owner who would NOT honestly give due credit to “roads and bridges” built by prior generations for our benefit, therefore I do not think that this is a credible argument for the President to cling to. Besides, a portion of the local taxes we all PRESENTLY pay are supposed to be allotted for these very services anyway.
To be logically consistent, if the President’s argument is to acknowledge our predecessors who have established the opportunity for our success then certainly God himself should be at the top of this list. I don’t hear the President giving Almighty God due credit for creating the raw materials of the world in the first place or the giving of wisdom to each new generation. Crazy thought, I know. The President says he’s a Christian yet I wonder if this thought has crossed his mind.
History demonstrates that the more money we give our government the more it is often mismanaged. This translates to less control of the ever dwindling amount we get to keep and invest ourselves. Who gets to decide when enough is enough? Government is not a prerequisite for success. There were plenty of successful hard working people who preceded the establishment of government. In fact, our balanced government is one defined as “We, the people”. All of us are accountable to God how we use our resources and we should all hold the few in government accountable as well. Just a few thoughts rolling around in my opinionated, fertile mind.