Thursday, October 28, 2010
Caroline Fayard says obamacare is "a net positive for louisiana"!
In reply to a question about Obamacare in a recent lieutenant governor election debate, democratic candidate Caroline Fayard said that Obamacare is "a net positive for Louisiana."
Ed Koch: "Throw Congressman Maurice Hinchey Out!"!
New York City Mayor Ed Koch on YNN Capital Tonight in support of (R) George Phillips's Pro-Isreal agenda and against Democrat incumbent, Congressman Maurice Hinchey's Anti-Isreal voting record and agenda. Koch, a Democrat, has a track record of backing common-sense Republicans.
Media babe:
"The Democrats are poised to lose the house. You could contribute to your own party losing control of the house. Does this concern you?"
"It doesn't bother me at all!"
Media babe:
"The Democrats are poised to lose the house. You could contribute to your own party losing control of the house. Does this concern you?"
"It doesn't bother me at all!"
Sarah Palin: I will Run for President in 2012 If There's Nobody Else To Do It!
Sarah Palin was interviewed by Mary Hart of E T. and said the following:
“You know, I have not decided what I’m going to do in 2012. I don’t think any of the potential candidates have. I think, still, it is too early for anybody to get out there declaring what their intentions are. For me, Mary, it’s going to entail a discussion with my family, a real close look at the lay of the land, and to consider whether there are those with that common sense, conservative, pro-Constitution passion—whether there are any candidates out there who can do the job, and I’ll get to be their biggest supporter and biggest helpmate if they will have me.
“Or whether there’s nobody willing to do it, to make the tough choices and not care about what the critics are going to say about you … If there’s nobody else to do it, then of course I would believe that we should do this.”
Who's behind the negative campaign ads?
So you Want to Get a PhD in the Humanities!
In the spirit of continuing the conversation concerning the recent axing of French, Italian, classics, Russian, and theatre at SUNY Albany, and the future of the humanities, Lee Konstantinou at presents this video created with "xtranormal": A bright motivated undergrad decides to ask her professor for a recommendation to graduate school.