Monday, November 15, 2010

Rush Limbaugh - 111 Waivers and illegals paying lower tuition than U.S. Citizens!

A great piece by Michelle Malkin today:
Waiver-mania! The ever-expanding Obamacare escapee list: Waiver-mania! The ever-expanding Obamacare escapee list! 
"Now comes word that Torquemada HHS Secretay Kathleen Sebelius has approved a whopping 111 waivers for businesses of all sizes, along with more unions and other providers of health insurance. The escapees include employers of many low-wage and part-time workers whose health insurance plans would otherwise be dropped, including Darden Restaurants — the parent company of the Olive Garden and Red Lobster and other chains, which employ some 34,000 people."

Here are Rush's comments:

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Ann Coulter on Bush and the economy!

Author Ann Coulter discusses George W. Bush's slew of recent interviews and the state of the economy.

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The White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers!

The Obama Administration has already handed out 111 Obamacare waivers to US companies. Tracy Byrnes from Fox Business Network explains:

"The little guy who's affected the most doesn't have the money and the big corporate attorneys to go back to the government and fight for it, and so they're not on the [waiver] list. So we have big companies getting away with things and the little guys are getting hurt yet again…The bottom line here is the fact that they gave out waivers, it's an admission of guilt. Basically, they're saying "You're right, we screwed up, we're going to give you some time to figure it out."

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Newly-Elected Rep. Allen West Talks To Reporters!

Newly-elected Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) tells reporters on Monday that he, like other conservative 'Tea Party' freshman Members, will serve as an independent voice when his term in office begins in January.

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Bob Schieffer: For Obama 'When it Rains it Just Seems to Pour and Keep on Pouring'!

Which can be summed up in this timeless statement: You reap what you sow! For this reason alone, I don't feel bad for this President.

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