Saturday, March 10, 2012

Obama Documentary Director: Drunk on Obama Koolaid!

In an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan, director Davis Guggenheim can't find a single fault with President Barack Obama. The only negative thing he could think of was that he couldn't fit enough positives into his movie!

"Where do you find fault in him personally?" Answer: "You know, I don't, frankly".

Al Sharpton: In Alabama 'It's Against The Law To Organize Unions'!

Al Sharpton's mouth strikes again- This time on "Morning Joe":

"We're here about voter ID, we're here because the most reactionary immigration law is in Alabama," Shaprton said, "and thirdly, workers' rights -- it's against the law to organize unions here . . . we have our rally -- Martin Luther King III and many of the labor leaders and I. We're not reenacting the march, we're extending it, because all over the country -- in 34 states -- that we have seen the studies will disenfranchise five million voters, there really is no evidence that the fraud they're trying to solve is a problem."


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