Tuesday, May 4, 2010
White House Lays Into Fox News Reporter Over Guest's Comments!
"Your network put on the former FEMA director to make an accusation that the well had been purposely set off in order to change an offshore drilling decision."
The Pittsburgh Bomb Squad used a robot to detect explosive materials in a package outside of the Greyhound bus station on May 2. Runners in the Pittsburgh Marathon were detoured as they approached the finish due to a suspected pipe bomb near a bus station near the end of the course. The bomb detonates towards the end of this three minute amateur video.
Senator Menendez uses Gulf disaster to promote his crusade against off shore drilling!
Dem. Senator Menendez speaks against the proposed coastline drilling plans in light of the tragic accident in the Gulf, at a press conference on the coast in Ocean Grove, NJ. He “pleased to be there” in order to use the occasion to campaign against an “archaic” energy source. “We have been saying that the drill, baby, drill crowd is not in the best interests of the United States particularly when what we are going to drill for is an energy source of the past….one that creates enormous risk to OUR coastline….and one that would produce only a FEW drop of gasoline at the end of the day“. I don’t get it: Over a million of gallons of oil have already leaked into the gulf from a source that would only produce a FEW drop of gasoline! That’s odd. He continues: “Drilling is simply not the answer….we can’t let these spills happen....here….in the USA!” Menendez claims that “The loss of life and environmental impact are EQUALLY horrific!” Loss of life always trumps environmental impact in my book! There was no mention of the “prompt” action of the EPA which otherwise might have significantly reduced the current environmental impact.