Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Harry Reid just can't seem to say 'Under God'!

.....and he loathes tax cuts for anyone making more than $5.00 a year! This man has no shame (like we didn't know this already):

Here are the words Harry:

The Biggest Problem Of The World!

A 2009 presentation which demonstrate why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't the world's biggest problem, and gets too m

uch attention, which only leads the terrorists to continue their brutal killing of Israelis.

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Senator John Bonacic comments on the property tax cap!

Senator John Bonacic (Republican, Conservative, Independence) says:
"Over 80% of the people in the state want us to control property taxes.....it's time for the assembly to act..."

Senator Bonacic comments on the Students Inside Albany program:


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